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About our APIs#

Tuna is a PCI Level 1 certified company; your data is safe with us.

Tuna APIs are organized around REST. Use our API REST and build your payment form if you want full control over the look and feel of your checkout page. Our APIs have predictable resource-oriented URLs, accept form-encoded request bodies, return JSON-encoded responses, and use standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.

You can use the Tuna APIs in sandbox mode, which does not affect your live data or interact with the banking networks. The API server and keys you use for the request determine whether the request in production mode or sandbox mode. Your first secrets are provided when you sign up for an account: account name and app token. You can find the public keys for the sandbox environment here. You can generate additional API keys and delete API keys (as you may need to rotate your keys in the future). You authenticate to Tuna APIs by providing your account name and app token key in the request HTTP headers.

In this API REST Guide, you will find examples of use cases, parameters lists, and error handling. Please check all that are meaningful to your company.